Monday 23 November 2009

my PLP

I started my battle with my PLP, seems I made it so complicated :)
So I though let's make a first reflection on the blog and see what comes next.

Getting clear what I want to do!

Title of the PLP:

Influence as a trainer by what you say, do, are

Theme / topic:
Influences of group and trainer on the debriefing

Why I have choosen this theme is because I experienced with myself a lot of doubts when leading groups/individuals in reflections.

On one hand I completely agree with the fact that reflections are needed for a good learning process. On the other hand I doubt if it is always necessary as a trainer or mentor to give direction on this reflections.
Cause is this reflection meant for my own well-being or that of the group???
I know for myself it works to have reflections and even reflection while using one or another method that helps me to focus on the issues and topics.
So from this point of view I see also the group or the volunteer I am coaching.

But still I am not completely convinced what makes that I have the right to decide doing this?

An example:
We are on a training course with all kind of youth leaders. In the evening we have a reflection table using the swimming pool “where do I feel like swimming today in the pool?” and “how do I see others related to me in this pool?”
After a while I feel like participants don't get the point and feel like sharing all this, cause they don't bring a lot of input or just some funny/ superficial things.
Should I just leave it for a while and not doing a reflection evening? Then I get in conflict with myself, cause for me it is important to do to keep connected with the course, the objectives, the group, the learning process of individus.

Another example:
Last weekend we had a weekend with our youngsters. An adventure weekend to learn some new skills and repeat old ones about outdoors. Half of the group is already familiar with the methods we use within Nature, half of the group is there for te first time.
We have a great hike, I see them searching togehter, some standing aside. I walk with them and sometimes I give a little hint or I motivate them, cause I want them to have positive experience. Especially the ones being there for the first time. The next day we work with ropes and knots, making bridges, tree climbing,...Youngsters feel good to do new things and try out. In cooperating they still need a lot of pushes from us. I can see that the new ones are not really used in taking initiative and discuss together how to do things. And the others don't know really how to involve them and teach them what they know.
Anyhow, everybody feels good with the new experiences, being outside and the feeling they crossed their own limts in hights etc.
The evening everyone feels really tired. We still need to cook, what takes some time. One of the participants(co-leader) asks me if we will have reflection this evening. I almost wouldn't have done it, cause I felt like stretching the new ones a lot. They are not used to this. Anyhow we make a plan for refelction to keep it easy going, not to deep.
To start I feel I need to get over the point to feel secure enought that is right what the group needs. At the end of the reflection I was very happy with the result, cause people shared things (small things, big things) and I could feel connection with the group.
But still I am wondering if I didn't do it? Or do I feel it was good cause it fullfilled my need to know how the group feels???

Even though at that time I made myself the conclusion that I should do it the way I feel to do it and just by putting down something from myself the group has a chance to take it or not. I should focus on the group and there needs, but in a way that they don't influence my feeling (intuition) of what I want to bring in now.

In a resume:
Personal conflicts

making contact in open questions – space
Will I be able to give input? Will I be able to interact in the dicussion?

Am I allowed to influence the group/person in the direction I think to go?

Trainer issues

using methods:
giving direction, giving structure to the group, make sure everyone has a moment to say something,...

giving open questions – space
leave it more open to the group, maybe new things will come out
what if it is completley besides the objectives of the training?

One of the methods I use in my reflections and I found very usefull:
Active Reviewing – Using creative methods(see link on my blog)
And so now I will question myself WHY? ;)and on the other hand I will question myself on my personal issues, cause seems there is somehow interaction.
You can't be a trainer without your personality.
Your personality somehow give direction to you training style.

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